HH Group Asia

Innovation Enabling

Kickstart your Journey with Our Innovation Enabling Services:

Innovation is the cornerstone of growth and success in the modern business world. It’s about more than just having great ideas but about turning them into impactful solutions. We’re excited to introduce our comprehensive suite of innovation-enabling services, tailored to guide you from ideation to market success and beyond.


years experience


individuals trained


Partners regionally

hero acies


Reailising innovation by enabling collaborative venture developments and empowering startup with skills of tomorrows


To be leading venture builder enabler to create extensive collaboration across Asia

what we do

We believe in strength of empowerment and the amplification effect when enablement meets collaboration.  

ACIES Ventures empowers visionary entrepreneurs and technology talents to build and grow promising, fast-growing startups


We assist companies with their innovation initiatives or business expansion objectives by identifying high-growth startups and facilitating partnership and development discussions between C-level executives of both parties.

Higher learning institutes

We partner education institutes to run programs to nurture entrepreneurs of the future with specially curated contents to gear start-ups with the right skillsets and practical knowledge. Our highly experienced mentors and trainers are able to guide and mentor start-ups no matter at which point of the entrepreneurship journey they are in.

Who We Work With

Venture Builders


Corporate Innovation Arms

Corporate Expansions

Government Agencies

Do You Need Any Help?

Ready to take your business to the next level? Contact us today to discuss how Huang He Group can empower your business to thrive.